Trio Sordini

Biographie Trio Sordini

Trio Sordini
Trio Sordini
The trio plays contemporary chamber music inspired by the music of Márton Kovács, Csaba Gyulai and Ádám Móser.

"We first played together in a play at the Radnóti Theatre, Budapest with Ádám Móser and Csaba Gyulai. In the course of our work together, it occurred to us that we could play in a trio the arrangement and further reflection of musical themes that deserve to be played. Thus, in the summer of 2019, an intensive rehearsal process took place, followed by the first apartment concert, which was the birth of Trio Sordini. Since then, we have been working and playing not only the themes of theatre music, but also the cycle written for Trio Sordini by Ádám Móser, each of which offers ample scope for experiments in form, melody, rhythm and, not least, instrumentation. The music heard here is the latest stage in this process." Márton Kovács

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