Blue in Green Chamber Jazz Consort

Album Info

Album Veröffentlichung:


Label: ZenneZ Records

Genre: Jazz

Subgenre: Crossover Jazz

Interpret: Chamber Jazz Consort

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Formate & Preise

FormatPreisIm WarenkorbKaufen
FLAC 44.1 $ 13,20
  • 1Rain03:38
  • 2Blood Count (Arranged by Oene van Geel)05:14
  • 3Divertimento (Arranged by Oene van Geel)11:06
  • 4Blue in Green03:02
  • 5Jarrod's Numbers04:18
  • 6Inutil Paisagem05:03
  • 7Night Lights (Live Version - Arranged by Oene van Geel)06:03
  • 8Impromptu (Live Version)04:06
  • 9Motief05:30
  • 10Só Tinha De Ser Com Você02:48
  • Total Runtime50:48

Info zu Blue in Green

Chamber Jazz Consort ist Teil von Brussels Muzieque, einem Künstlerkollektiv, das Musikern eine Plattform bietet, um zusammenzuarbeiten und neue Formate und Repertoires zu erkunden. Das Herzstück des Chamber Jazz Consort bilden Anton Jakimenko an der Klarinette, Eduardo Tonietto am Cello, Sarah Oates an der Violine und Oene van Geel an der Bratsche. Blue in Green ist ihr faszinierendes Debüt, das Kammermusik und Jazz miteinander verbindet, wie im Titelstück - einem Original von Miles Davis/Bill Evans.

Chamber Jazz Consort

Chamber Jazz Consort
The ensemble operates as a versatile collective, presenting performances in various formations such as trios, quintets, and even larger ensembles. This dynamic group features accomplished musicians who excel in both classical and jazz music, creating a rich and captivating musical experience.

Oene van Geel is an award-winning jazz violinist known for his distinct style and innovative approach. Eduardo Tonietto, a prominent cellist and artistic director of Brussels Muzieque, contributes his exceptional skills and infuses the ensemble with the rich heritage of Brazilian music. Anton Jakimenko adds his unique blend of classical and jazz influences, further enriching the group's sound.​

The ensemble also boasts the talents of Sarah Oates, concertmaster of the Ballet Orchestra Amsterdam, whose leadership and musicality are pivotal to the group's performances. Nadja Nevolovitch, a violin professor at the Musikhochschule of Cologne, elevates the music with her exceptional expressiveness and virtuosity, particularly in the realm of high classical violin playing. Together, these musicians create a mesmerizing blend of classical and jazz, captivating audiences with their exceptional talent and synergy.

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