Wade Waist Deep Thomas Wynn & The Believers
Album Info
Album Veröffentlichung:
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- 1 Man Out Of Time 03:44
- 2 Wade Waist Deep 03:31
- 3 Heartbreak Alley 04:06
- 4 My Eyes Won't Be Open 04:44
- 5 Thin Love 03:47
- 6 I Don't Regret 04:28
- 7 You Can't Hurt Me 03:19
- 8 Mountain Fog 04:02
- 9 Burn As One 02:49
- 10 Feel The Good 04:09
- 11 We Could All Die Screaming 04:02
- 12 Turn It Into Gold 07:28
Info zu Wade Waist Deep
Die Band besteht im Kern aus Gitarrist, Sänger und Songwriter Thomas Wynn und seiner Schwester, der Sängerin und Percussionistin Olivia Wynn. Hinzu kommen Chris „Bell“ Antemesaris an der Mundharmonika, Colin Daniel Fei an der Hammond Orgel, sowie Drummer Ryan Miranda und Bassist David Wagner.
Gemeinsam sind sie alles andere als ein unbeschriebenes Blatt: Auf der Habenseite finden sich die beiden bestens aufgenommen Alben »The Reason« (2009) und »Brothers & Sisters« (2012) sowie zahlreiche Club- und Festivalauftritte während der letzten Jahre, unter anderem gemeinsam mit Cheap Trick, Gov't Mule, JJ Grey & Mofro, The Revivalists und SIMO.
Thomas und Olivia Wynn bekamen ihr Talent quasi in die Wiege gelegt. Sie stammen aus einer christlich geprägten Familie, ihr Vater ist Schlagzeuger Tom Wynn, der während der 70er Jahre mit der Country-Band Cowboy Erfolge feierte. Vier Cowboy-Alben erschienen seinerzeit auf dem renommierten Capricorn Records-Label (Allman Brothers, Captain Beyond, Marshall Tucker Band, Stillwater). Tom Wynn führte seine Kinder behutsam aber konsequent an die Musik heran – auch Thomas lernte zunächst Schlagzeug, Olivia sang im Kirchenchor. Als Thomas' Jugendfreunde auf Punk à la Green Day standen, schlug er selbst eine andere Richtung ein: »Music from Big Pink« hatte es ihm damals besonders angetan, das Debütalbum von The Band. Die Kunst jener Americana-Interpreten um den großen Robbie Robertson sollte Thomas Wynns Songwriting und Vortrag später maßgeblich beeinflussen, und dabei ist es bis heute geblieben.
Um »Wade Waist Deep« aufzunehmen, begaben sich Thomas Wynn and The Believers nach Nashville/ Tennessee und dort unter die Fittiche des Produzenten und vierfachen Grammy-Gewinners Vance Powell (Arctic Monkeys, Chris Stapleton, The White Stripes, Jack White). In Powells Sputnik Sound Studio entstand ein Album randvoll mit all dem, was originär amerikanische Musik so zeitlos gut macht, darunter fantastische Gitarrenarbeit mit ganz viel Southern-Feeling, komplexe und pulsierende Rhythmen, und speziell in diesem Fall eine gesangliche Darbietung, wie sie so perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt wohl nur Bruder und Schwester gemeinsam hinbekommen können. Hypnotischer Blues (»Man Out Of Time«), mitreißender Groove (»Wade Waist Deep«) und klassischer Country (»Heartbreak Alley«) drücken dem Album ebenso ihren Stempel auf, wie der eine oder andere waschechte Rocker und berührend Balladeskes (»My Eyes Won't Be Open«).
Fans von The Band, The Black Crowes, CCR, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young und CCR finden hier feinstes frisches Futter!
„Ergo finden sich in den mal rockig groovenden, mal getrageneren Songs dieses in der Musikmetropole Nashville aufgenommenen Longplayers etwa auch Einflüsse aus Soul, Country und Americana, und aus all dem versteht das Sextett gekonnt seinen ganz eigenen Stilmix zu kreieren.“ (Good Times)
Thomas Wynn, lead vocals, acoustic, electric guitar
Olivia Wynn, vocals
Chris "Bell" Antemesaris, harmonica
Tim Turner, electric guitar
Matt Lapham, bass
Rion Smith, drums
Recorded by Lee Rosario at North Avenue Studios, Orange City, Fl.
Mixed by Brian Harrison & Rich Mahan at "The Rendering Plant," Nashville, Tn.
Mastered by Jim DeMain at Yes Master Studios, Nashville, Tn.
Produced by Thomas Wynn
Thomas Wynn and The Believers
A combination of blistering rock and southern soul, sibling-led Thomas Wynn and The Believers is a 6-piece fiery ensemble dubbed by Soundboard as "Southern Rock Muscle ~ Soulful Rock n' Blues." Gibson-sponsored from Orlando, Florida, TW&TB is known for their powerful LIVE performances playing the original music circuit and making "believers" wherever they go. The band personifies a new era that truly crosses generations with just really, really, really good music. If you like Tom Petty, The Band, The Black Crowes, CCR & Pink Floyd, you'll love The Believers!
For the sixth consecutive year, Thomas Wynn and The Believers repeatedly reigns as Central Florida's #1 Rock Band. Orlando Weekly's Best of Orlando Readers' Choice again crowned TW&TB as their Rock favorite (plus #1 Folk/Country Band and #2 singer-songwriter accolades for the band's namesake TW.)
Wynn's spirit-moving vocals, passionate lyrics, and emotional delivery are uniquely supported by sister Olivia's engaging and captivating voice and presence. Her strong vocal harmonies (the other lead) and wide-eyed response is the perfect companion to her brother's yearning banshee cries. The duo calls their perfect blend "blood harmonies"; the press calls the tandem thunder "their secret weapon." Backed by an explosive tight band, they've crafted a new vein of rock -- gritty, yet pure uplifting Soul Rock, a mixture of the classics, R&B and gospel -- creating a sound that has an identity of its own.
Georgia Music Hall Of Famer Alan Walden says, "One of the newest, brightest, tightest, smoothest, most energetic bands to ever come through." Reax Music Magazine states "For once, you have a Florida band that is truly Florida. They look like Florida, they sound like Florida - with a touch of Molly Hatchett, The Band, Neil Young, and The Black Crowes. Not fad hipster, not transplant Florida, but Florida Florida. These guys are on the leading edge of creating a new southern rock scene." Best New Bands writes, "They embody everything authentic and raw."
Hailing from a musical family, the siblings are heavily influenced by their father, Tom Wynn, the original drummer of the country-rockers Cowboy, one of Macon-based Capricorn Studio's (Allman Brothers Band, Marshall Tucker Band, Elvin Bishop, Wet Willie) legendary bands from the 1970s. His influence, as well as their faith and church upbringing, undoubtedly shaped their songwriting and musical interests. Their deeply-rooted principles certainly laid the foundation for what the Wynns bring to The Believers' sound.
Their musical history begins with The Wynn Brothers Band (2005-2008) -- the first family endeavor co-led with older brother Jordan ( bass guitar) that also included Papa Wynn on drums. The band released Feel the Good (2006), the title track a signature song still performed today. But when marriages and other separate goals emerged, the Brothers' band became defunct . . . but by mid 2009, a new direction and desire to continue birthed the band as it's known today, with Thomas and Olivia at the helm . . .
Their debut album The Reason (2009), produced by Tony Battaglia, is a strong, well-crafted studio sampling of Wynn's ability as a unique songwriter, the lyrics and vocals captured perfectly; the band's choice to self-produce their sophomoric album, Brothers and Sisters (2012), for some, was a truer representation of the emotion and intensity experienced in their live performances. Believers' classics are found on both recordings.
The current lineup has stabilized and matured with even more cohesiveness over the last two years (albeit harmonica player "Bell" has been a staple since the inception). The band welcomed Dave Wagner (bass) and Ryan Miranda (drums) in 2012 and keyboardist Colin Fei as recently as early 2014. The band has already tracked a third album, set to be released around the new year 2015.
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