John Osborn, Kaunas City Symphony Orchestra & Constantine Orbelian

Biography John Osborn, Kaunas City Symphony Orchestra & Constantine Orbelian

John Osborn
US Tenor John Osborn is a retur­ning guest on the world’s most pre­sti­gious sta­ges, inclu­ding: the Metro­po­li­tan Opera in New York; Wie­ner Staa­tso­per; Lyric Opera of Chi­cago; Staa­tso­per Ber­lin; Opéra Natio­nal de Paris; San Fran­ci­sco Opera; Oper­n­haus Zürich; Thea­tre Royal de la Mon­naie in Brus­sels; Grand Théâ­tre de Geneve; and Salz­bur­ger Festspiele. He made a spec­ta­cu­lar stage debut at the Acca­de­mia di Santa Ceci­lia in Rome as Arnold in a con­cert ver­sion of Guil­laume Tell under the baton of Anto­nio Pap­pano in 2007.

In 2011, he made his debut at the Tea­tro alla Scala in Milan as Rodrigo di Dhu in Rossini’s La Donna del lago, fol­lo­wed by Don Otta­vio (Don Gio­vanni). He later per­for­med in a new pro­duc­tion of Rossini’s Otello oppo­site Ceci­lia Bar­toli in Zurich and in Il Bar­biere di Sivi­glia in San Diego.

Among the most impor­tant highlights of his career, the debut in Faust in Bru­xel­les, a new pro­duc­tion of Norma at Salz­burg Festi­val, and, again, Guil­laume Tell at Amster­dam Opera.

John Osborn star­ted sea­son 2010/11 with his stage debut at the Royal Opera House in Lon­don in Les Pêcheurs de Per­les con­duc­ted by Anto­nio Pap­pano, fol­lo­wed by Il Bar­biere di Sivi­glia. Fur­ther­more, he inter­pre­ted: Arnold (Guil­laume Tell) at the Acca­de­mia di Santa Ceci­lia in Rome again under Pap­pano; Rossini’s Otello in Lyon; La Cene­ren­tola (Don Ramiro) in Nice; Rossini’s Armida (Gof­fredo) at the Metro­po­li­tan Opera in New York; La Juive (Leo­pold) in Zurich; and Meyerbeer’s Gli Ugo­notti (Raoul de Nan­gis) in Brus­sels under the baton of Marc Min­ko­w­ski.

Highlights of his col­la­bo­ra­tions during sea­son 2009/10 were: La Juive and Guil­laume Tell (broa­d­cast live on Radio Vara) in Amster­dam; and L’Elisir d’Amore (Nemo­rino) for his stage debut at the Hou­ston Grand Opera.

In 2010, he inter­pre­ted the title role in Rossini’s Otello in Lau­sanne; Gof­fredo in Armida in New York oppo­site Renée Fle­ming; Arturo in I Puri­tani in Cagliari; and Donizetti’s Cate­rina Cor­naro in Amster­dam; Pol­lione in Norma oppo­site Ceci­lia Bar­toli in Dort­mund; and Des Grieux in Massenet’s Manon at the Tea­tro Colón in Bue­nos Aires. In 2008, he was: Ramiro in La Cene­ren­tola oppo­site Cecila Bar­toli in Zurich; Lin­doro in L’Italiana in Algeri at the Tea­tro Comu­nale in Flo­rence.

Mr. Osborn’s reper­tory inclu­des nume­rous Mozart’s roles, such as: Bel­monte in Die Ent­füh­rung aus dem Serail (Washing­ton, Atlanta, Orlando and Bor­deaux); Tamino in Die Zau­ber­flöte (Seat­tle, San Diego, Bal­ti­mora and New York City Opera); Fer­rando in Così fan tutte (Boston and San Diego); Don Otta­vio in Don Gio­vanni (Metro­po­li­tan Opera under James Levine, Por­tland Opera, Flo­rida Grand Opera and New York City Opera.)

He also enjoys a pro­li­fic and suc­ces­sful con­cert acti­vity inter­pre­ting, among others: Handel’s Mes­siah in Rich­mond, Vir­gi­nia; Lei­ce­ster in Donizetti’s Eli­sa­betta al castello di Kenil­worth and Elvino in La Son­nam­bula at the Cara­moor Festi­val; Bel­monte in a con­cert ver­sion of

Die Ent­füh­rung aus dem Serail with Yoel Levy in Atlanta; Rossini’s Sta­bat Mater with the WDR con­duc­ted by Semyon Bych­kov at the Köl­ner Phi­lhar­mo­nie in Colo­gne and broa­d­cast live on tele­vi­sion; Car­mina Burana in San Fran­ci­sco, Seat­tle, India­na­po­lis; Mil­wau­kee and Kan­sas City.

John Osborn gra­dua­ted in Voice at the Simp­son Col­lege in Sioux City, Iowa, his native town. He obtai­ned the Richard F. Gold Career Grant from the Sho­shana Foun­da­tion in 1994, won the Opera Index Award in 1995 and par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the pre­sti­gious Metro­po­li­tan Opera Young Artists Deve­lo­p­ment Pro­gram. He suc­ces­sfully par­ti­ci­pa­ted in nume­rous inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­tions, inclu­ding the Metro­po­li­tan Opera Natio­nal Coun­cil in 1994 at age 21, and won the Con­cours Inter­na­tio­nal de Voix d’Opera-Placido Domingo Ope­ra­lia in 1996 in Bor­deaux.

Among his recent and future enga­ge­ments, Otello at Théa­tre des Champs-Elysèes in Paris and at Pfig­sten Festspiele in Salz­burg, Guil­laume Tell in Turin, Les con­tes d’Hoffmann in Lyon, Norma in Salz­burg and Zurich, Zel­mira in Paris, La donna del lago in New York, Rossini’s Otello at Thea­ter and der Wien in Wien, Ben­ve­nuto Cel­lini in Amster­dam and Rome, La Favo­rite in Venice.

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