Elżbieta Sajka-Bachler, Pandolfis Consort & Matthias Krampe

Biography Elżbieta Sajka-Bachler, Pandolfis Consort & Matthias Krampe

Pandolfis Consort
was founded in 2004 by Cracow Music Academy graduate Elżbieta Sajka, violist, with the intention to bring rarely performed works by both well-known and long forgotten composers to a wider audience. Focusing mainly on baroque music, the ensemble is named after the viola d’amore they use, a copy of an instrument originally built by Giuseppe Galieri Pandolfis in 1728. The Consort usually performs as a four-piece (Ingrid Rohrmoser – violin and viola, Elzbieta Sajka – viola, viola d’amore and violetta, Günter Schagerl-cello, Hermann Platzer – theorbo, lute and baroque archlute). Among the distiguishing features of the ensemble is their use of the continuo theorbo cello. They have also performed with soloists, choirs and the Royal Ballet „Cracovia Danza“.

Pandolfis Consort WIEN performed at the 32nd International Festival „Music in Old Krakow“ (Poland), at the 29th International Festival of Early Music in Stary Sacz (Poland), at the Festival of Organ Music in Lohja (Finland 2007), at the opening of the 8th International Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow (Poland 2009), at the 3rd International Festival of Early Music „Chiaro lo specchio dell´acqua“ in Castelfranco (Italy 2009) and at the opening of the 4th International Festival of Early Music in Wieliczka (Poland 2010).

In 2011 they played the hugely successful „Johannespassion pur“ production for the „Radiokulturhaus Wien“ and also performed at the ORF Festival „Italia mia“.

Since 2007 the Consort has been featured in their own series of concerts entitled „Music at the Church of the Teutonic Order“ in Vienna.

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